Design and Purpose
Humans are unique from every other living organism in the world, specially created and specially purposed. The Earth is also like no other planet, specially created by God for humans, and we can observe evidence of His design elements in His creation.
God Caused Beauty
God saw that His creation was good, in appearance as well as in all other sensory aspects, and humans get to "behold" beauty because He first caused beauty to exist. More...
God Caused Justice
Our postmodernist age has redefined "right" and "wrong" in terms of subjective feelings and personal perspectives. Yet despite the passing of ages, humans still have an innate sense of absolute right and wrong because God Himself is just. More...
God Caused Love
Like gravity and aerodynamics, we cannot scientifically prove the existence of love, yet we know it exists and can observe its effects. More...
God Caused Meaning
Every part of creation has a specific meaning and purpose for existing, which we can most easily observe in the study of various ecosystems. More...
God Caused Order
As wild and untamed our world is, everything in nature follows a specific order orchestrated by God . More...
God Caused Time, Space, and Matter
The cause of the universe is God. Our Creator is outside of the physical creation he made. Time is not eternal, but created. More...
God Caused Wisdom
All organisms react to their environments, but humans are the only creatures capable of rationalization and acquiring knowledge and wisdom. That is because humans are the only part of the universe that was made in the Creator's image. More...
- God Caused Beauty
- God Caused Justice
- God Caused Love
- God Caused Meaning
- God Caused Order
- God Caused Time, Space, and Matter
- God Caused Wisdom