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Except as otherwise allowed by applicable law (such as the “fair use” exception governed by U.S. copyright law), nothing in ICR's published materials (in printed or electronic form) may be reprinted or reproduced in other publications, for other media, or on other websites in whole or in part beyond these guidelines without obtaining permission from ICR. This applies to textual content, graphics, audio and video, etc.
General Guidelines
1. You may print or photocopy pages in whole as evangelistic tools for churches, schools, etc.
2. You may quote up to 100 words, or rephrase or summarize our information for noncommercial, educational use provided you include the proper references each time our information is used.
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Please bear in mind that if you plagiarize content from someone else's work, you are essentially stealing credit from that person. Following these guidelines will allow you to use well-documented information in your own ministry, while at the same time showing the respect and courtesy due to the original author.
- Place quotation marks around anything you quote directly. Do not quote more than 100 words without first obtaining permission.
- Document where you found the quoted material. For example, reference information could be included in a footnote: "Creation cannot get a fair hearing in the marketplace of ideas."[1]
- Provide a reference for information that is rephrased or summarized. For example: The press is biased in their reporting of evolution and creation news.[1]
- Common knowledge does not need to be referenced. Information that is widely known (such as that found in reference books) is considered common knowledge. Example: Operational science makes predictions about events in the future, not historical events in the past.
Sample footnote:
[1] Morris, H. M. 2003. Willingly Ignorant. Acts & Facts. 32 (12).
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RSS Feeds
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A Note to Our Readers:
For stewardship purposes, we will not be able to write, edit, or proofread science papers and projects, assist with homework assignments, evaluate personal theories and hypotheses, or review books and other resources. We also will not accept unsolicited manuscripts, nor are we able to provide unsolicited endorsements of books, products, or ministries.