Regular Acts & Facts readers are surely aware that the western educational system is dominated by an evolutionary (and therefore humanistic) worldview. Public institutions are nearly totally saturated with this anti-god philosophy. But more alarming every year is the growing invasion of this insidious influence in "Christian" schools.
Teaching faculties have been indoctrinated (often subconsciously) ever since the days of Horace Mann and John Dewey. Teachers have great influence of the young people they teach—and these teachers are usually required to get post-graduate degrees in secular colleges which steep them further in naturalism.
A Critical Need
Most teachers believe that some form of evolution has been proven by natural science, which in turn, impacts the social sciences and humanities as well. George Barna notes that more than 67% of Christian young people lose their faith by the time they graduate from college.
There is an especially urgent need for teachers and textbooks in the natural sciences supporting the true Biblical worldview of history and reality. It is not enough to merely impose Biblical texts on standard evolutionary premises. Teachers, writers, researchers, and Christian leaders need to understand and be able to teach the details in a creation/redemption context. As Dr. John Morris has said: "We want not only to convert scientists to a Biblical worldview, but more importantly to convert the sciences themselves to true scientific creationism."
You Can Help
Yes, ICR needs and prays for your current support. Without your generous gifts we would not be able to function. But this is also a multi-generational mission. Training graduate students in the sciences is a monumental task that requires larger endowments than ICR possesses. Conducting the kind of research that will impact science for truth demands more specialized personnel and resources than we have.
Would you consider including us in your estate? Do you have appreciated assets that you can share with us? ICR is poised to make a major impact in the years ahead. Help us wage this vital war.
Henry Morris III, ICR Strategic Ministries
P.O. Box 2667, El Cajon, CA 92021.
Phone: ICR, 619/448-0900