Sharing Our Creator's Truth | The Institute for Creation Research

Sharing Our Creator's Truth

My name is Bill, and I’m the information technology manager at the Institute for Creation Research. I keep everything technical running and make sure everyone here at ICR has what they need to do research, publish books, make content, host events, and share the message of our Creator’s truth with anyone who will listen.

For many years, I was in the camp of those who believe the Bible doesn’t line up with science. Since it was “written by men,” I thought it was flawed and shouldn’t be trusted as history. I believed it when scientists said the earth was 4.5 billion years old. Who would question someone they think is smarter than they are?

In the garden, the serpent was able to deceive with one simple question. I think that with other simple questions, deceptions can be unraveled. One day, a hole was poked in my belief that science has it all figured out. I watched an online video that showed how the billions-of-years age assignment for Earth is full of assumptions. I never thought to question how scientists knew the starting mineral composition of the rocks they used for radiometric dating. I really never knew how they dated rocks. I just accepted their results.

Since then, I’ve studied a lot, and I want to help get this information out there. I believe that a personal relationship with Jesus Christ is life-changing, and I want everyone to experience it. I think many people are stuck like I was. They’ve been exposed to only one side of the story. So, I want to share what I’ve learned in hopes that it may poke a hole in a belief system that they never even tried to question.

One way I do this is by handing out ICR resources. Many of our smaller books are perfect for sharing. Some of my favorites are Dinosaurs and the Bible, Human Origins, Creation Q&A, and Creatures by Design. People are always shocked to hear that dinosaurs lived at the same time as humans, and they’re even more shocked to learn that there’s a lot of evidence supporting that claim.

I have given many books to people at my church over the years, and they often come back with difficult questions. It’s a testament to the amazing things that God is doing through ICR. He knows the questions that you need answered, and He prepares people to answer them as well as others like myself who help those people in their work.

Do you know about ICR’s School of Biblical Apologetics (SOBA)? I earned my master’s degree there, and it can equip you, too, in learning to unravel the deceptions of the serpent. You can find out more at

So, I’d like to give a big thank you to all of you who support ICR’s ministry. It’s those generous donations and those widows’ mites that keep us going. I am always grateful to God to work at a place like this—and even more grateful to have been able to learn as much as I have.

* Mr. West is the information technology manager at the Institute for Creation Research.

Cite this article: Bill West. 2024. Sharing Our Creator's Truth. Acts & Facts. 53 (5), 21.

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