by Tom Hennigan, Randy Guliuzza, P.E., M.D., and Grace Lansdell
In Journal of Creation. 36 (2): 97-105.
There is need for a design model of symbiotic relationships in young-age creationism. Symbiotic relationships are crucial for the functioning of healthy biospheric processes and ecosystem stability. Philosophical naturalists posit that these relationships evolved, and co-evolved later as natural selection, initially focused on struggle and competition in simple organisms, led to greater complexity and cooperation through system self-organization. Alternatively, God created complex cooperative systems with astounding complexity from the beginning. He initially created organism archetypes programmed for holistic relational interaction, which is an important element in proposed creation-based species concepts. We also interpret extant species interactions in the light of a planet groaning with dysfunction and death. Therefore, we propose a new design model of symbiotic relationships using human-engineered interface systems as viable analogues for understanding and describing them. A mind is the only known origin of interface systems. If God designed interface systems into creatures, then it is reasonable that their harmonious operation would greatly exceed anything man has devised. A model of interface design has great potential for future understanding of organism interactions, biomimetics, systems ecology, Earth stewardship, and, most importantly, recognizing God’s invisible attributes in the physical creation.
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