Archive of Articles

Wrapping Up Seafloor Sediment Research
  Regular Acts & Facts readers know I have long studied the methods uniformitarian scientists use to assign ages to the deep ice cores of Greenland and Antarctica. Although Bible skeptics...
Stellar Nucleosynthesis: Where Did Heavy Elements Come From?
Radiation from pulsar PSR B1509-58, a rapidly spinning neutron star, makes nearby gases glow gold (image from the Chandra X-ray observatory) and illuminates the rest of the nebula in blue and...
When Frogs Fly
Wallace’s flying frog in flight. It uses the webbing between its toes to help it glide. Mammals, reptiles, and even amphibians can actually glide through the atmosphere. God’s...
Cretaceous-Paleogene Boundary Shenanigans
by Jeffrey P. Tomkins, Ph.D., and Tim Clarey, Ph.D.* Complex Cretaceous-Paleogene clay layer (gray) in the Geulhemmergroeve tunnels near Geulhem, the Netherlands. Finger is...
Engineered Adaptability: Epigenetics…Engineered.,.
A thrill-seeking bungee jumper wouldn’t leap off a bridge tethered by a chain, and most people wouldn’t buy a car with its axle welded directly to the frame. It needs a flexible spring system...
Were There Days Before God Created the Sun?
ICR recently received a letter asking a common creation question. Genesis 1 describes the creation of all things in six days. Since Genesis says God didn’t create the sun until Day 4, that means...
Uniformitarians Stumble on Distant Starlight
The accuracy and authority of God’s Word are often attacked by those who claim that science shows biblical claims to be erroneous if not impossible. 1 Peter 3:15 calls on believers to be always...
Godly Contentment in the New Year
The term “covetousness” is likely unfamiliar to younger generations today. However, it is a sin considered so grievous by God that He included it in His Ten Commandments to Israel. “You...
Best of 2017: Fleshy Fossils
The Institute for Creation Research has monitored the steady flow of fresh-looking fossils for over a decade. The year 2017 was impressive with its discoveries of biochemical variety that includes proteins,...
Poll: Half of Humanity Believes in Aliens
Marketing research group Glocalities conducted a 24-country survey about people’s belief in aliens. They released their results just before the next widely anticipated Star Wars installment. How...
Joy to the World
  “Then the angel said to them, ‘Do not be afraid, for behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy which will be to all people.’” (Luke 2:10)  When God became...
Rapid Finch Speciation Counters Evolution
About a dozen species of Darwin’s famous finches inhabit the various Galapagos Islands. Textbooks have long used these animals as examples of evolution. Now, Peter and Rosemary Grant, career researchers...
Recent Creation Confirmed [Podcast]
What does the Bible say about recent creation? How does science confirm Earth’s youth? ICR Science Writer Brian Thomas offers compelling confirmations of recent creation. Find confidence in the...
Do Billions of Years Fit with Genesis?
Many Christians think that if they can somehow find room in the Scriptures for billions of years then the conflict between Genesis and evolution will be solved. They might not admit it, but sometimes...
What About Radioisotope Clocks?
Secularists claim that radioisotope ages “objectively and scientifically” confirm millions of years. But ICR scientists have carefully examined their claims and found flaws and holes...
Fossil Trees in Antarctica Preserve Ancient Proteins
A team of scientists led by Erik Gulbranson recently discovered a forest of fossil trees in Antarctica.1 Gulbranson, a paleoecologist at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, claims this...
Dating Dinosaur Fossils
Age bias continually colors the interpretation of dinosaur fossils. Can we truly know a fossil’s age? How do we know secular analyses are flawed? Is there evidence that confirms dinosaurs...
Why Does Recent Creation Matter?
ICR scientists often talk about recent creation. But does the Bible really present this view? Should Christians discuss this issue with friends who think it doesn’t matter? Or should we leave...
Full-Bible Christian
The latest polls reveal a disturbing trend. Younger generations are less likely to believe that humans descended from the first man, Adam, only thousands of years ago. More people believe the evolutionary...
Ancient Animal Biochemicals Again
Dozens of technical reports show original biochemistry within the bodies of long-buried fossils, and the reports just keep coming. Three new reports give occasion to reconsider the age assignments for...
The Sedimentary Record Demonstrates Minimal Flooding of.,.
DECEMBER 06, 2017
In Answers Research Journal 10 (2017): 271-283 The Sauk megasequence is thought to have been deposited during one of the highest sea level episodes of the Phanerozoic. However, few, if any, have...
Three Discoveries Mystify Astronomers
Secular astronomers recently described three bizarre discoveries that challenge mainstream ideas of an evolving universe. The newly discovered massive planet NGTS-1b orbits so near its small faint...
Floating forest hypothesis fails to explain later and l.,.
DECEMBER 01, 2017
In Journal of Creation 31 (3): 12-14, December 2017 Recently, there have been two papers that have been critical of the floating forest hypothesis. The first paper demonstrated that there are several...
Neutral Model, genetic drift and the Third Way…a.,.
DECEMBER 01, 2017
by Jeffrey P. Tomkins, Ph.D., and Jerry Bergman, Ph.D. In Journal of Creation 31 (3): 94-102, December 2017 Because of grievous deficiencies in the standard neo-Darwinian Model of evolution,...
Eyes of Wonder
Merry Christmas from the Institute for Creation Research! Some of my favorite memories of Christmas surround my children and grandchildren. It’s always fun to watch their faces as they open gifts...
The Gospel and ICR
The Institute for Creation Research (ICR) exists to explore and explain the science that confirms the Bible. We target scientific discoveries and analyses that confirm biblical creation. Scripture tells...
Just What Is Homo naledi?
Over four years have passed since Lee Berger’s discovery of Homo naledi bones in the Rising Star Cave system of South Africa.1 Yet, back-and-forth bone disputes in the scientific literature...
Testing Old-Earth Climate Claims, Part 2
There is strong geological evidence for a single Ice Age, which creation scientists attribute to the aftereffects of the Genesis Flood.1 However, secular scientists claim that dozens of ice...
The Created Placenta
The complex mammalian placenta is an organ to which, in a sense, we all owe our lives. It’s formed by the fusion of maternal and embryonic tissues and establishes vascular contact between mother...
Beauty in Motion: Formula 1 Drivers
Bright red with perfect details, a Ferrari Formula 1 F1 SF15-T diecast model race car would make a great present! Young boys around the world push their model Ferraris across the floor while making...
Who Were Cro-Magnon People?
If you’re like me, you appreciate the variations God designed the human frame to express. Wide or narrow, tiny or giant, having high or shallow nose bridges or foreheads, every person differs...
Cactus, Bats, and Christmas Gift-Giving
Darwinists teach that nature is just a gladiatorial arena of cutthroat competition and selfish struggle—a conquer-or-be-conquered “survival of the fittest” contest. They routinely...
The Seed of Promise
“And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your seed and her Seed; He shall bruise your head, and you shall bruise His heel.” (Genesis 3:15) This great promise...
Giving Tuesday…Become a Creation Advocate!
Hello, friends! We have a new opportunity to reach people with scientific evidence that confirms the Bible’s accuracy. This is our first time participating in Giving Tuesday—“a...
Being Thankful for Grace
“Moreover the law entered that the offense might abound. But where sin abounded, grace abounded much more.” (Romans 5:20) Thanksgiving is the day Americans set aside to reflect on the...
Extinct Trees Were World's Most Complicated
Devonian rock layers and the fossils within them supposedly hail from a time long before monkeys, dinosaurs, or modern oak trees evolved. The Darwinian concept of plants and animals gradually gaining...
The Universe: A Journey Through God's Grand Design
ICR’s new DVD series! The Universe: A Journey Through God’s Grand Design takes viewers on a journey through time and space, exploring how some of the greatest discoveries in astronomy...
ICR Discovery Center Milestone
On Friday, November 10, ICR celebrated a significant milestone in building the ICR Discovery Center for Science and Earth History! The topping-off ceremony began with ICR staff and board members signing...
Dinosaurs, Always Dinosaurs
PLOS ONE reported the recent discovery of a megatheropod—a large, two-legged dinosaur much like a T. rex—in Africa.1 The authors of the report gave the impressive dimensions—almost...
Big Bang Scientists: Universe Shouldn't Exist
Recently, the asymmetry matter/antimatter problem, one of the most serious objections to the Big Bang model, just got a little worse.1,2 The asymmetry problem involves the fact that there...
Bird Evolution Story Crash-Lands
A new discovery forced a rewrite of bird evolution. Chinese fossil discoveries ballooned the number of birds found among dinosaur-containing rocks. Until now, the oldest Chinese fossil birds, found...
Skin Color Research Confirms Biblical Narrative
People over the ages have placed great emphasis on race and skin color. Eugenicist-minded Darwinists have used it as the basis for much ill-conceived mischief.1 Even Darwin himself proposed...
The  Lord  Is  His  Name
We sometimes hear from Christians who say they believe the Bible but struggle with the idea of a six-day creation. That’s curious to me. If we know God, how can we not trust what He says? He told...
The Universe Out of Nothing
ICR founder Dr. Henry Morris wrote this article in 1984. Despite the many discoveries and developments in cosmology since then, the points he makes about the creation of the universe are still valid....
Young Radiocarbon in Old Samples
Old-earth advocates often claim that dating methods, including radiocarbon, show the earth must be older than the Bible says. But is this true? This chart reflects the radiocarbon that still lingers...
Testing Old-Earth Climate Claims, Part 1
In a scientific controversy, how do laypeople evaluate the merits of each side’s arguments when those arguments involve technical details? Unfortunately, many people simply assume that the majority’s...
Resolving the Sheet Sand Enigma
Sheet sands are widespread, thin sandstones that blanket large regions of the continents. Most are composed of extremely pure quartz of uniform, well-rounded grains that contain almost no shale. Secular...
Engineered Adaptability: Engineering Causality Studies .,.
Imagine the challenges facing an engineer who’s been tasked with designing a fully automated, unmanned spacecraft that needs to travel to a planet and safely return. The vessel will be equipped...
Why Don't Poison Dart Frogs Poison Themselves?
Found in Central and South America, the poison dart frog uses its skin toxin for defense and its bright colors as a warning. Each tiny amphibian holds enough toxin in its skin to kill 10 people.1...
Mechanical Multitasking on the Mayflower
For want of a nail, or a horseshoe, unforeseen consequential damages may follow.1 For the Pilgrims aboard the Mayflower, however, it was a screw jack—not a nail—that provided...
Loads of Benefits
We all have so much to be thankful for. Even in an age of rising wickedness, God has been so very good to us, and we can only marvel at His infinite mercy and grace. Not only has He forgiven our sins,...
Luther and Biblical Creation, 500 Years Later
Five hundred years ago in Wittenberg, Germany, an unusual scholar changed the course of human history using pen and hammer. Dr. Martin Luther protested unbiblical teachings and practices—especially...
Blind Cavefish Illuminate Divine Engineering
How do fish with normal eyes in well-lit surface-water environments transform into blind cavefish, and should this loss of structures and functionality really be labeled evolution? The sophisticated...
Stunning Bird Fossil Has Bone Tissue
Recently, Chinese researchers described their discovery of the “earliest” bird fossil with fused pelvic bones, just like modern birds.1 Also like modern birds, this fossil appears...
Plant-Eating Dinosaurs Consumed Crabs
Paleontologists found bits of crustacean shell inside well-preserved dinosaur dung. Besides being a first-time discovery, these dietary supplements challenge the herbivore status of the hadrosaurs that...
Science and Theology [Podcast]
What you believe about Genesis impacts both faith and science. In this series, ICR physicist Dr. Jake Hebert unravels the mysteries of the Ice Age, hermeneutics, geological dating methods, and more....
Refuting a Favorite Old-Earth Argument
In 2010, the BioLogos Foundation published an article that proposed “biblical and scientific shortcomings of flood geology.” Discover the background of this paper’s research,...
How Consistent Are Old-Earth Clocks?
One argument often made for an old earth is the professed agreement of age assignments from various dating methods. Is this “case closed” for the age-of-the-earth debate? Dig deeper...
Genesis Compromise Unravels the Bible
Christians who accept the idea of millions of years might not be aware that they’re holding to a logically inconsistent position. How can we find clarity in the obvious tension between Genesis...
How Theology Informs Science
Theology—formerly called “the queen of the sciences”—used to be held in high regard. However, skeptics like Lawrence Krauss continually make derogatory comments about theological...
Celebrating a Broken Climate "Pacemaker"
There is strong geological evidence for one ice age. Yet, secular scientists published an iconic technical paper that detailed multiple ice ages over long periods of time. Why did they miss the...
Trilobites Can't Stomach Darwinism
Trilobites were fascinating invertebrates that inhabited pre-Flood ocean bottoms. They were fossilized when “primitive” life supposedly was just getting started, but the complexity of these...
Evolutionists Embrace Time Travel and Alternate Histories
As the old saying goes, “ABC” or Anything But Creation. In the case of a recent report, evolutionists look to chance and “molecular time travel” (as the article calls it) rather...
Have Creationists Overlooked an Abundance of Biblical.,.
OCTOBER 01, 2017
In Creation Research Society Quarterly 53 (4): 286-296 Recently Faulkner has proposed that the “waters above” of Genesis 1:6–8 form a boundary beyond the farthest galaxies and...
Details by the Master Architect
When you step into a medieval cathedral, you can’t help but wonder at the beauty of the lofty architecture. The intricate details, the incredible design, and the exquisite engineering can leave...
Creation Salvation
Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new. (2 Corinthians 5:17) Twice Born Nicodemus asked the key question “How...
How Did Homo naledi Get in That Cave?
Homo naledi is the most recent claim of a human evolutionary ancestor.1 Exactly what the bones represent remains unclear, but they are certainly not human.2 An additional mystery...
Architecture and Engineering in Created Creatures
“Nature is a pretty impressive engineer,” states evolutionist Daniel Lieberman in an issue of Nature magazine. He notes: The physical world poses many basic challenges, such as gravity,...
Facial Recognition Study Misses the Bottom Line
Human brains come specially wired to recognize faces. Where did that innate wiring come from? Two psychologists finagled a fantasy answer that shows how crazy evolution-based reasoning can get. Their...
Genesis Doesn't Fit with Deep Time
The entirety of  Your word is truth, and every one of Your righteous judgments endures forever. (Psalm 119:160) A recent Pew Research Center poll showed the number of Americans who professed...
Engineered Adaptability: Engineering Causality Is the A.,.
A popular film version of Charles Dickens’ A Christmas Carol begins, “Old Marley was as dead as a doornail. This must be distinctly understood if anything of use is to come of this story.”...
Could You Outrun Goliath?
At “six cubits and a span,” Goliath stood over nine feet tall, using a conservative 18-inch cubit. Scripture demonstrates his strength by cataloging the weight of his armaments, including...
Luther, the Reformation, and Taking Creation Seriously
Five hundred years ago in Wittenberg, Germany, an unusual scholar changed the course of human history using pen and hammer. Dr. Martin Luther protested unbiblical teachings and practices—especially...
Scavenging vs. Sowing
Our readers probably experience the same problem I do. Each day’s mail—both at the office and at home—contains a fair number of earnest appeals for donations. No doubt many of these...
Massive Genetic Study Purporting Human Evolution Debunked
The recent publication of a research paper evoked such headlines as “Massive genetic study shows how humans are evolving.”1,2 Despite the improvement of health-care technology,...
Plant's Odor Sensing System Demonstrates Engineered Ada.,.
Recent studies describing sophisticated plant traits, and some of the insects that feed on those plants, highlight once again how biology may be interpreted very differently. But usually, these interpretations...
Professor Says He Can "Slam Dunk" Creationists
Paul Braterman, Honorary Research Fellow at the University of Glasgow, recently claimed that evolutionists can “slam dunk” creationists by simply confronting them with the evidence for evolution.1...
RNA Editing in Corals Stupefies Evolution
Coral reefs are a key component of ocean ecology, providing homes and habitats for a wide diversity of life. While a head of coral may look like a single organism, it’s actually a conglomeration...
Dinosaur Algae Alive and Well Today
Botanists recently discovered Lychnothamnus barbatus, a large form of green algae known from European and Asian freshwater lakes, in North America. Before this discovery, the only hints of this particular...
Dawkins Radio Kerfuffle Highlights Anti-Christian Bias
Berkeley, California, radio station KPFA recently cancelled an interview with vocal atheist and evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins, citing his harsh criticisms of Islam which “offended and...
World's Most Catastrophic Extinction
Secular geologists hypothesize five major mass extinctions in Earth history and maintain the most catastrophic of these happened nearly 252 million years ago. This Permian extinction, or Great Dying,...
Another Complex Cambrian Critter
Paleontologists have unearthed yet another bizarre creature, this time in British Columbia, Canada, from sediments alleged to be 541 million years old.1,2 Called Capinatator praetermissus,...
Opportunities to Sow with ICR
Scripture frequently uses agrarian images to emphasize the effort necessary to bring people to Christ or disciple them to maturity. Just as the farmer cannot expect a harvest unless the seed is first...
Creation and an Eternal Perspective
While many of us struggle with daily routines that include high-pressure goals, chasing deadlines, and rushing to beat the tyranny of the urgent, our best-laid plans ultimately collide with another...
Eternal Perspective
...remembering without ceasing your work of faith, labor of love, and patience of hope in our Lord Jesus Christ. (1 Thessalonians 1:3) One of the more difficult disciplines of the Christian life...
Did Heavy Elements Come from Supernovas?
Have you ever wondered where all of Earth’s chemical elements came from? There is such a diversity of elements in the crust—ranging from the hydrogen atom with a single proton orbited by...
The Human Brain Is 'Beyond Belief'
The human brain, and any animal brain for that matter, is an engineering marvel that evokes comments from researchers like “beyond anything they’d imagined, almost to the point of being...
The Ever-Evolving Human Evolution Story
Evolutionary scientists recently announced that fossils from Jebel Irhoud in Morocco, dated at around 300,000 years old, are the oldest Homo sapiens fossils ever discovered.1 This claim is...
Lee Huntington's Creation Story
Editor’s note: Prominent San Diego engineer and industrialist Lee Huntington was an ICR Board member for over two decades. This article describes his creation journey. Lee Huntington graduated...
Engineered Adaptability: Adaptability via Nature or Des.,.
Does Darwin deserve all the homage he gets? After all, the idea of evolution didn’t originate with him. Others before him recognized that less “fit” animals die, and his book on human...
Do 'Simple' Eyes Reflect Evolution?
The complexity of the vertebrate eye disturbed Darwin, but he supposed it might have originated millions of years ago through a series of small steps that started with a rudimentary light-sensitive...
Using Pointed Questions to Point to Answers
Do pointed questions help people think? Good questions can make them curious and open their minds to things they might not have considered. When people express doubts about the truth of the Bible, asking...
Spectacular Dinosaur Has Skin, Horn, Pigments
The world’s best-preserved nodosaur stirred wide interest when it went on display at the Royal Tyrell Museum in Canada in May 2017. Its skin scales, fearsome shoulder spikes, and possibly even...
Lunar Water Douses Collision Origin
New clues confirm that the moon looks created. In stark contrast to Genesis 1, secular scientists claim that a collision between a planet-sized rocky object and an ancient Earth somehow crafted...
Anthropology, Archaeology, and Asteroids [Podcast]
Fascinating creatures and terrifying cataclysms riddle the timeline of Earth history. What can we learn about the pre-Flood world, the origin of humanity, and other scientific mysteries? ICR geologist...
Dinosaur Extinction via Asteroid?
Have you heard about the Chicxulub impact site in Yucatan, Mexico? Some scientists claim this site as the “smoking gun” of the asteroid that wiped out the dinosaurs. Is this a smoking...
What Was Homo naledi?
Scientists recently reported the discovery of a new human-like species called Homo naledi. Why is this important to Christians? Dr. Clarey clears up the controversy surrounding the latest “missing...
The Created Sun and Moon [Podcast]
1) The Created Sun and Moon What does Scripture say about the sun and the moon? How do these two “great lights” rule the heavens? In this special episode of Science, Scripture,...
Dinosaurs Are Not Birds
Birds and dinosaurs are completely different kinds. God uniquely created both of them only thousands of years ago. Learn how to debunk the secular propaganda of dinosaur-to-bird evolution.   Other...
The Created Sun and Moon
What does Scripture say about the sun and the moon? How do these two “great lights” rule the heavens? Dr. Jim Johnson describes the sun and moon’s impact on our planet, as well...
Revealing the True Age of the Hawaiian Islands
Many textbooks teach that the Hawaiian Islands are millions of years old. How can we know their true age? Dr. Clarey digs out the truth from not-so-old Hawaiian rocks.   Other episodes...
Ancient Canaanite DNA Confirms Biblical Accuracy
A recent news story emerged regarding sequencing ancient human DNA found in bones thought to be about 4,000 years old. The DNA was found in Sidon, Lebanon, on the shore of the Mediterranean.1...
Discovering the Pre-Flood World
Can we know what the pre-Flood world looked like? How has Dr. Clarey’s cutting-edge megasequence research improved our understanding of the Genesis Flood? Uncover clues to Earth’s catastrophic...
Wacky Conclusion from Tardigrade Research
Tardigrades, also known as water bears, are smaller than a millimeter, live in water, and can endure all kinds of harsh environments. A recent research project found that asteroid impacts and nearby...
Fossil Plants Contain Original Molecules
Researchers shined a laser light on fossil leaves and found some surprising results. Instead of mere impressions of leaves, the fossils turned out to contain original molecules—persisting after...
Start the School Year Right
As we filmed ICR’s latest DVD series, I often found myself in complete awe at the work of our majestic God. As you’ll see in the feature this month, “Behind the Scenes of The Universe:...
Behind the Scenes of The Universe: A Journey Through Go.,.
How do you tell the story of the universe? That’s a tall order, but I’ll give you a clue—it doesn’t start with a Big Bang somewhere in the outer reaches of space. The real account...
Sinking the Floating Forest Hypothesis
by Tim Clarey, Ph.D., and Jeffrey P. Tomkins, Ph.D.* The concept of a pre-Flood floating forest ecosystem has been promoted in creationist literature for several decades and is often...
The Flood, Catastrophic Plate Tectonics, and Earth History
Although evolutionary scientists insist there is no evidence for the global, Earth-destroying Flood described in Genesis, accepting the Genesis Flood as literal history enables researchers to make sense...
Another Evolutionary Ancestor Gets Nixed
Homo naledi skyrocketed to international fame in 2015 as a claimed ape-like ancestor of man that fit the story of human evolution. Discoverer and promoter Lee Berger published hasty reports and then...
Engineered Adaptability: Arriving at a Design-Based Fr.,.
A map is crucial for all travelers, from fun-seeking vacationers to serious scientific researchers. This month’s article is a map of the Engineered Adaptability series and highlights the places...
Did Fish Learn to Walk?
Virtually all natural history museums have a diorama displaying fish with strange leg-like fins emerging from the water onto land. This is a critical evolutionary event—gills somehow evolving...
Polar Bears, Fitted to Fill and Flourish
Polar bears are really cool. These furry frost-giants are fitted to fill frigid habitats in Arctic Ocean waters, ice floes, and shore lands.1 Polar bears also provide four living lessons...
Godly Sowing
Sowing seed is a frequently used image in the Bible, most often as a symbol of witnessing for the Lord. “Cast your bread upon the waters,” the wise Preacher wrote, “for you will find...
Solar Eclipse and the Created Sun [Podcast]
1) Solar Eclipse and the Created Sun Solar eclipses are astonishing sights. These astronomical events—and even the sun itself—reveal a lot about creation and our Creator. When will...
Solar Eclipse and the Created Sun
Solar eclipses are astonishing sights. These astronomical events—and even the sun itself—reveal a lot about creation and our Creator. When will the next solar eclipse occur? And how...
Belief in Creation Declines
For generations, a large portion of Americans have believed that mankind began only thousands of years ago, not millions. A 2013 poll indicated that this next generation is finally beginning to depart...
God's Universe on Display: Telescope to Microscope [Podcast]
We find evidence for the Creator’s grand design everywhere in the universe, from enormous galaxies to microscopic DNA. ICR zoologist and researcher Frank Sherwin explores evidence in astronomy,...
From Big to Small, God Made It All
Our universe is unbelievably immense. Can you count the stars in the heavens or the grains of sand on the beach? Mr. Sherwin directs our eyes to the skies—and the submicroscopic world around...
Do you feel a natural revulsion when you experience spiders up close? Why would God create creepy arachnids? Discover God’s purpose for these eight-legged arthropods.   Other...
Newly Discovered Sixth Extinction Rewrites Geology
Geology students memorize the rock system names found on geologic column diagrams, learn age assignments, typical fossils, and the five worldwide animal extinction events. Now, secular researchers reveal...
Bombardier Beetle
Imagine a hungry frog chasing a delicious beetle. As the frog shoots out its sticky tongue to capture the prey, an explosion occurs that stuns the predator. Have you heard of this famous beetle?...
What is DNA? Why is it important? And how does it reveal the handiwork of the omnipotent Designer? Discover the code of life as Mr. Sherwin unwinds the microscopic ladder of biological information...
The Amazing Human Body
The psalmist said we are “fearfully and wonderfully made.” What insights can we glean from science to increase our wonder and honor our Creator? Mr. Sherwin highlights several features...
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