As you consider your special gifts this Christmas, we at ICR would ask you to remember our ministry in your prayers and with your support. Many of you have been of great encouragement to us over the years, and we rejoice with you in the impact that we have shared together in the Kingdom. Thank you for co-laboring with us.
The battle continues, however, and ICR has set in motion three major efforts that we believe will shape our work and broaden our impact over the next five years. The "GENE" research project will tackle the human genome to clearly demonstrate that there is no such thing as a "common" ancestor. Secondly, several geological and cosmological areas need to focus coordinated answers which will respond to scientific questions regarding a recent creation.
The third area is somewhat new for ICR. As much as our scientific research has helped many (and ICR will continue to be the main source for such information), we do want to broaden our ministry impact within Christian Leadership (pastors, teachers, influential professionals, etc.). With that in mind, we are in the process of developing Distance Education programs and courses (both degree and non-degree) that can be accessed by a much broader audience than we have been able to reach heretofore. We need your help in all of these areas—as well as in the ongoing support for operational function.
Would you consider a special gift to ICR this year?
You may be able to give a greater gift than you think. Do you have stocks or mutual funds that you have held for several years? A gift of appreciated assets permits you to give more than you might be able to from your income or savings, and will provide an immediate tax savings as well. Dormant property can be turned into a significant gift to ICR turning something unproductive into financial benefits for both of us.
But please do not think that a small gift is insignificant! a week covers office supplies for one of our researchers. 0 a month helps enormously with laboratory needs. Help where and how you can, but above all intercede for us with your prayers.