When the Institute for Creation Research began in 1970, very few organizations focused on the ministry of creation science. Now there are numerous creation ministries—probably one or more in every state, and at least one in 20 other countries. Yet the ICR complex of ministries remains essentially unique in the world of Christendom. ICR is not a church, but in a very real sense it is an arm of the church. The foundational message of true creation is vital for churches if they are really to teach “all the counsel of God” (Acts 20:27), and we have brought a creation-oriented message to churches and schools of just about every denomination.
Of course, creation is not the whole doctrinal structure of Christianity. But it is the foundation on which the other doctrines must be based if they are to be truly biblical, since apart from Genesis 1:1, the rest of Scripture is pointless. Thus, as an arm of the church, ICR has a vital evangelistic ministry through the message of creation as the foundational element of the saving gospel of Christ (note Colossians 1:13-23; Revelation 14:6-7).
As part of Christ’s commission that includes “teaching…all things” (Matthew 28:20), ICR is preeminently a ministry of education, applying the primeval Dominion Mandate (Genesis 1:26-28) in the context of the complete gospel from creation to consummation. This teaching ministry was founded on our uniquely creationist graduate school programs, and supplemented through conferences, debates, seminars, and other public ministries. Along with ICR books, many of which have been used as resources in schools and colleges, these other ministries have been an important factor—possibly the most important factor—contributing to the revival of biblical creationism around the world in the past 40 years.
God has indeed blessed the work of ICR in marvelous ways, in spite of a low-key fundraising approach that does not employ professional fundraisers, phone solicitations, or other methods that many organizations use. Our ministries have mainly been supported through contributions from concerned, praying believers who receive our Acts & Facts magazine and Days of Praise devotional quarterly, free publications that are not, in themselves, fundraising publications. They are intended to be a source of inspirational Bible study and faith-strengthening information, and judging by the thousands of testimonies we have received over the years, they have indeed been just that.
Yet the most important distinctive of ICR—and which must continue if God is to continue to bless—has been our commitment to the absolute authority of Scripture. While we emphasize all true science, the main reason for our scientific defense of special creation is our conviction of the truth of biblical creation, as found all through God’s inspired and inerrant Word.
In this age of evangelical compromise, our continuing commitment to full biblical inerrancy and authority, to literal recent creationism and the global Flood, and to low-key fundraising may seem outdated. But we believe God has blessed and will continue to bless the ICR ministries because of this commitment. With continued prayer and financial help from our supporters, it is our fervent hope that the next decade—if the Lord does not return sooner—will see an even greater harvest from the seed sown this first 40 years.
* Mr. Morris is Director of Donor Relations at the Institute for Creation Research.
Cite this article: Morris IV, H. 2010. 40 Years of Blessing. Acts & Facts. 39 (10): 19.